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Outdated Sterile Supplies Have Zero Value!!!

1) By selling unused surgical supplies to other facilities before their expiration date the Surgical Exchange Network can help you lower your facility's overall supply costs.

2) Purchasing surgical supplies you need, as you need, will save on your supply cost.  Use the Surgical Exchange Network to locate discounted surgical supplies.

How it Works

Here is an example of how it works:

The materials manager at Somewhere USA Surgery Center has 3 boxs of ENDOPATH XCEL 5mm Trocars Item Number B5LT that expire in 2 months.  Their general surgeon, who ‘required’ this item, has not been at the center for almost a year.  8 months ago Somewhere USA Surgery Center purchased each box for $761.74.  In 2 months, when the item expires, the value of these trocars will be $0.00.  Their materials manger lists their B5LT on Surgical Exchange Network for $500.00 per box, about a 40% discount. Your surgeons use these trocars and you go through a box every three days. You buy three boxes for $1500, saving you $785, and Somewhere USA Surgery Center recoups $1,500. Surgical Exchange Network was happy to facilitate this win win…and they both just paid for their annual subscription.

Why Should You Use the Network to Sell


Expired supplies have zero value.  Selling unused supplies before they expire helps control supply cost.



Third party resellers speculate when they purchase dead stock.  This speculation can be risky and affect what they are willing to pay facilities for these supplies.  With Surgical Exchange Network you sell your expiring or unneeded surgical supplies directly to facilities that know they will be using the supplies before they expire. This allows you to get a better price for the supplies you are selling.



Surgeons often change their preference or technique; supplies can become dormant.  Sell these supplies to other facilities while they still have value.



Why Should You Use the Network to Buy


You don't need to pay full price for your supplies when there is a facility that considers the items you need as dead stock and is willing to sell it at a discount.



By purchasing supplies from another surgical department you can have confidence that the supplies were stored and handled properly.



Supply cost are usually the second largest expense in a surgical department.  Searching the Surgical Exchange Network is quick and easy, checking the availability of high dollar supplies is a great way to keep supply costs under control.